A loan helped to pay for fabric in bulk and sewing supplies to sew a large quantity of outfits for her customers.

Helen's story

Helen, aged 34, is a committed businesswoman and mother to two children. Her husband is a seasonal worker and both of her children attend school. She lives with her husband and children in a suburban area which is a 20-minute drive to town. She runs a sewing business which offers creative designed outfits for her customers and equally generates income needed to support her family.

Helen started her business with the aim of investing in her children's education. This is because she believes the key to a successful life begins with having a good education. Her dream is to sustain her business to secure a better education and life for her children. Her current plan is to increase her sewing supplies to better cater to her customer needs. However, she needs financial assistance to execute her plan.

She is requesting a loan to pay for fabric in bulk and sewing supplies to sew a large quantity of outfits for her customers. With the income earned, she will pay for her children's school fees and save money to invest in her future plans. Through this loan, Helen aspires to grow her business and secure a bright future for her children.

Please kindly support Helen!

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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