A loan helped to buy agricultural inputs that will help her prepare for the upcoming harvest.

Leonilda's story

Leonilda is an indigenous farmer from Jambaló, Cauca. She has been working with several crops for the past 20 years. Leonilda currently owns 1.5 hectares of land that was assigned to her by the indigenous council. She has more than 5,000 coffee trees, as well as a small batch of banana and cassava trees. In addition, Leonilda also works as a coffee picker on other farms during the weekends in order to supplement her monthly income.

She lives with her husband and their two children in a house that they purchased more than 15 years ago. Her husband is also a skilled farmer, so they work together to boost their crops.

A loan of 3,059,180 COP to Leonilda will be used to purchase various agricultural inputs that will prepare her for the upcoming harvest.

This loan is special because:

The purpose of this loan is to bring financial inclusion to these impacted areas of Colombia

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details