A loan helped a small-scale farm acquire equipment to provide fresh food to community.

Crystal's story

I have just settled in Galesburg, Michigan after taking a job with a local food hub that helps get more local food on plates in Southwest Michigan. When I bought this property there was a 3.5-acre hay field behind the house that was also up for sale. What a perfect opportunity to make my small-farm dreams come true!
I have been learning and teaching about agriculture since my high school days at FFA. I went on to get my Bachelor's Degree from Ohio State University studying agronomy (crop and soil science) and plant pathology. I worked for Purdue University for 7 years as a county-based agriculture and natural resources educator.
While working in that role I got involved with Farm to School initiatives and realized my passion was not in large-scale corn and soybeans anymore, but shifting to something more attainable for myself, small-scale, diverse fruit and vegetable production. Having worked for the food hub for a year and a half now, I have made many great connections in my community and across the state. I look forward to starting this farm to provide produce to my small, rural community just outside of Kalamazoo and to fulfill my passion for growing plants.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About CVP Produce

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details