A loan helped to buy chicks, feed, and sacks of rice to resell.

Rolando Jr's story

Rolando Jr is a 44-year-old married man and a father of two young dependents. He is from Balasan, Iloilo, Philippines. He has been engaged in a poultry and rice buying and selling business for 12 years already. This is the source of his income.

Rolando Jr is in need of additional capital for the expansion of his business and so is requesting a loan of PHP 23,000 to buy chicks, feed, and sacks of rice to resell.

Rolando dreams of improving his enterprise to generate more income to finance some of the family's expenses, such as food, and to pay for the bills.

This loan is special because:

It provides training and capital for this borrower.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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