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A loan helped to buy a pig with 300 kg of feed.

Samueline's story

Samueline is a 53-year-old married woman. She has four children who are all independent. She has a house made out of durable materials. She farms and raises animals. In order to support her pig raising, she has decided to take out loans with Vahatra. She has been a partner for nine months. Her earlier loan for pig raising was a success. She was able to buy two pigs with her earnings. She has had this animal raising job for 30 years. She is taking out this new loan to buy a new pig with 300 kg of feed to nourish it with.

Outside of that, the family benefits from health insurance. She will fatten her pig before selling it to the butcher in town. She foresees renovating her house, so she will continue to save her earnings.

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It helps the poorest of the poor in Madagascar to improve their lives.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (4)
  • Javier
  • Michael BC, Canada
Contributing teams (2)

Loan details

BC, Canada
Catholic Kiva
Religious Congregations
1 of 1,598 members
PayPal Customers
1 of 5,916 members