A loan helped to buy more milk to sell.

Daina's story

Daina, 24, is a young, hardworking single mother. Her main source of income comes from selling milk.

Daina enjoys her business since she is able to meet her family's needs such as rent and school fees through it. The business also impacts the community by promoting local suppliers of milk.

One challenge she has faced in running her business, however, is a lack of capital to restock in order to meet demand. She kindly requests a loan to add more stock to her business to ensure she satisfies her customers. Her customers motivate her to look forward to each passing day as she enjoys serving and interacting with them.

Through her profits, she will be able to pay back the loan and improve her family’s standard of living. Like any loving parent, her dream has been to see her children succeed in life and give them a good education and expand her business to become a large-scale milk supplier.

This loan is special because:

It gives financial access to low income micro-entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details