A loan helped to buy pandanus for her weaving business and pay for her children's educational needs for this academic year.

Letiola's story

Letiola is a 47-year-old mother to five teenagers. She is married to a farmer, and they live in their own home. Currently, she runs a weaving business, and she is a member of a group of women who perform weaving almost everyday in their home. Together, they weave taovala, mats and fihu, using white pandanus only. Letiola sells her taovala and mats to relatives overseas and local buyers.

Letiola wants this loan to buy pandanus for her weaving and pay for her children's educational needs for this academic year. It is her priority to educate her children so they can pursue a better life in the future.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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