A loan helped to buy pandanus for her weaving and also pay for her daughter's tuition fees at the university.

'Ana's story

'Ana is a 52-year-old mother of twelve children. She is married to a farmer, and they live in their home. Some of her children have started their own families, and 'Ana remains with the six youngest. Her talent is weaving and, for more than thirty years, she has used her talent to earn money for her family. Thus, her family has benefitted from her work.

She mainly weaves taovala and mats, using white pandanus. 'Ana sells her weavings to some of her sisters-in-law overseas, but most of her weavings are sold locally. With this loan, she will not only be able to buy pandanus for her weaving, but she will also cover her daughter's tuition fees at the university. It is her desire to educate her children so that they can manage to find a better life in the future.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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