A loan helped to buy agricultural inputs, such as certified seeds, fertilizers, and herbicides, and equipment to resell in his shop.

Endro's story

Endro is a 47-year-old man. He lives in Chimoio, Mozambique.

Endro is a very enterprising man. He is an agro dealer who buys and sells agricultural inputs, such as certified seeds, fertilizers, and herbicides, as well as equipment he resells in his shop.

In recent times, the number of customers has grown significantly. Now he intends to increase the volume of agricultural inputs to better meet his customers' needs. He wants to provide good quality consulting services on the usage and distribution of products.

Endro is applying for his second Kiva loan to buy more agricultural inputs and equipment to better meet the demand and help small farmers improve the quality of their production.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers access to new markets and agricultural resources.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details