A loan helped to buy a stretcher, a light ring, and materials for a manicure.

Mileidy Anyeli's story

Mileidy Anyeli is 21 years old, single, has no children, and lives in Manta, a place of hard-working people looking for a way to get ahead.
She is a young worker who struggles daily to generate her resources and, with them, can meet her expenses. She rents a place in the center of the city, where she has a hairdresser who offers services such as manicures, pedicures, haircuts, hair, keratins, eyebrow waxing, eyelashes, and makeup. This activity is carried out every day, especially on weekends, which are the days when her services are most requested. She uses social networks to publicize her work, promotions, and the reasonable prices she offers, always serving with a good smile and the enthusiasm that makes her business grow every day.
This loan is to purchase a treatment table, a light ring, and manicure supplies.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Muhammad UMER Ali Bhatti.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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