A loan helped to buy goats to start his own business, which will ensure a source of food and income for the family.

Leonid's story

Leonid is a 47-year-old man from the Ucrainca village in the Causeni region of Moldova. He is married and has a son who is a student at the moment. Leonid and his wife strive to ensure their son has a carefree and better life.

Leonid is working as a guardian in a local school and kindergarten. He loves his occupation because he is surrounded daily with children. Leonid is feeling happy every day. Additionally, he deals with farming.

Leonid has helped his brother to manage a goat farm for more than 10 years. He decided to start his own business to raise goats. He plans to start the farm activity with 30 goats.

Unfortunately, he does not have enough money to buy goats. For this reason, Leonid is asking for a loan from Kiva sources. As a result, he will be able to start his own business and will have the possibility to ensure the family with a source of fresh farm products and income.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details