A loan helped to purchase farm inputs, like high-quality fertilizers, to improve maize farming and boost yields.

Dorcas's story

Dorcas is a farmer who lives in the remote village of Eldoret with her family. She has learned a range of new farming practices. Her main sources of income include sales of milk, different crops and maize.

Dorcas learned that Juhudi Kilimo has intervened in the activities of rural smallholder farmers, giving them financial support (loans) and enabling them to access income-generating assets, as well as farming inputs.

Dorcas will use her loan to purchase high-quality farm inputs to help improve her maize farming and boost her yields. In today's world, agriculture has become exceedingly dynamic. This requires farm inputs to be upgraded or improved, such as high-quality seeds and nutrient-rich fertilizers, for effective production.

Please lend to this industrious woman so that she can save for her family.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details