Simbala's story

I am African American woman that has worked with cooperatives for more than 20 years. I started this business with ten weavers, and now we employ 500 weavers in small villages near Bolgatanga. My passion has been to use as many women in small towns where there aren’t opportunities for women to work. While serving in the Peace Corps, I learned that the most helpful thing I could do is help create jobs for women. I will use this loan to prepare us for my upcoming Trade shows. I am in the Fair Trade Winter market trade show and Philadelphia Flower Show. These two Trade Shows are crucial to getting our company back on track after a tough year.

Working with these artisans has been my life passion for 28 years. By employing these women, we have impacted these tiny villages in many ways; health care, education, and environment.
Many times when I am in Ghana, I see many organizations from the United States with their leadership not sharing the cultural or ethnic composition of the people of Ghana.

As an African woman, I feel that showing the diversity of Americans, and the shared heritage of Ghanaians is a vital relationship builder between the countries. As an African American, I have resources that aren’t available to these women in these small villages. This type of work makes for a better world.

This loan is special because:

It supports a repeat borrower who is partnering with female artisans in Ghana.

Loan details

About Tia Woven Goods

Industry: Wholesale
Years in operation: More than 5 years


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details