A loan helped to buy pandanus leaves for her weaving business, as well as hire workers to harvest her crop of yams.

Fipe's story

Fipe is 53 years old and a mother of 10 children, some of whom have moved out and started their own families. She is married to a farmer, so they both manage a farm and a weaving business. Fipe is a member of a group of five women who meet four days a week to perform their weaving. She also helps her husband with maintaining their farm, which is their primary source of income.

With this loan, Fipe and her husband will hire workers to harvest their crop of yams. She will also buy pandanus leaves for her weaving. In addition, she sells some of her crops at the market. Her dream is to achieve a better life through her family’s business.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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