A loan helped to buy classroom materials, uniforms, lotions, shoes, body creams and perfumes for gentlemen.

Elizabeth Del Socorro's story

She is Elizabeth, a happy small business entrepreneur, who is very hard working and responsible. She previously invested in her business thanks to a loan from these two institutions, which allowed her to increase her inventory, sales, and improve her economic conditions. Her husband supports every decision that she takes.

She is again requesting a loan from KICA with the support of MiCrédito to buy classroom materials, uniforms, lotions, shoes, body creams and perfumes for gentlemen. Thanks tothis next investment she will be able to grow her business.

Her dream is to have a stable shop to allow her to sell on a mobile basis.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Grant Shannon.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to short-term emergency loans.

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