Alicia's story

I started my company after funding was cut at the community center I worked for. I grew up outside of Chicago, Illinois, and discovered firsthand the necessity of having a mentor in your life. I experienced many traumatic situations, from bullying to molestation, and often felt alone in dealing with them. I found a safe space in a community-based program and was empowered to turn my "failures" into lessons learned.

When the community center I worked for closed because they couldn't afford staffing and overhead costs, I started thinking of a way for small entities to economically afford the same expertise and experience that larger companies enjoyed. My business employs subcontracted professionals on a project base in marketing, administration, professional development, and resource development. I intentionally hire qualified workers that want to give back to their community, and small business owners get excellent service at a fraction of the cost.

Each project inspires me as a collaboration of hope and inspiration always seems to match the right worker with the right company! I am looking to expand this culture of employment in light of the recent flexibility and stewardship required after COVID-19 and the world's current economic state. I want to purchase equipment to offer more services and hire a part-time staff member to keep up with the growing demand.
I look forward to continuing the legacy of extending a hand to someone looking for a lifeline to keep their dream alive!

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Quad Solutions, LLC

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details