A loan helped provide needed accommodations, job opportunities, event & design services within a historic venue.

Terah's story

From the beginning, my life goal has been positively impacting the world around me. Being from a rural town, becoming a teacher was one way to accomplish this and was my life's focus for over 20 years. However, although I spent over 60 hours a week dedicated to bringing my students the best, most relevant learning opportunities, a minority of students wanted the challenge and the skills they would build to better their lives. I decided to use my time to focus on providing a real-world pathway for those individuals. In particular, I wanted to offer apprenticeships and job opportunities for those in our rural community, especially women.

Educating in a rural town means I wore many hats, balanced many objectives, worked with many stakeholders, established systems, & dedicated my life to learning myself to engage students in everything from marketing & accounting to leadership courses, from communications, speech & debate to 3D printing. I thoroughly enjoyed planning school-wide events, coaching various sports & academic clubs, fundraising & maintaining budgets, producing quality media & community relations, & planning & implementing training across the district. In the summer, I explored my creative side as I freelanced as a home renovation specialist, home & graphic designer, dispatcher, and event planner, customizing the services I offered to fit the needs of the clients.

I learned, gained experience, set goals, failed, grew, and succeeded in every realm. Isn't this the process most entrepreneurs encounter? Did I go through all of that to be where I am today? My past reliance on my creativity, resourcefulness, & passion for making an impact allows me to thrive. It gives me the assurity that this new venture will be my most significant learning opportunity yet, my most tremendous success.

Running a bed & breakfast may have just been another item on my bucket list, but with this opportunity, I can realize my dream. Impacting the world positively, providing needed services for our community, and allowing individuals to be inspired, gain experience, and discover their dreams. That is what drives me & pushes me past the doubters, the setbacks, & the worries. This is my future & the way I can live my dream.

This loan is special because:

It supports a small business owner with 0%-interest, zero-fee capital.

Loan details

About Enders

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: endersonmain.com

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details