A loan helped a member to buy fruit, vegetables, meat, baked goods, drinks, and other products.

Amigas Group's story

The Amigas group is so named because that is what they are, friends who are seeking the way to better the quality of life for themselves and their loved ones. Their goal as a team is to be able to help each other with everything that is within their reach.

Sonia, one of the members, is married and the mother of three children. She strives to help them get ahead and provide them a better quality of life. She is an enterprising person, and does not let challenges defeat her. She and her husband help one another to move forward together.

She says that she has a grocery store which started out modestly and has gotten better little by little, thanks to her efforts. Her goal is to keep improving her enterprise and continue to cover her children's needs with it.

She is requesting this loan to buy fruit, vegetables, meat, baked goods, drinks, and other products.

Please note: There is just one person in this photograph but this is a group loan. The group picture was not possible due to the Covid-19 pandemic which is still present, and has not been declared over.

In this group: Sara Cristina, Eulalia Eliana, Sonia, Ada Maria, Eleuteria, Epifania, Sonia Concepcion, Claudia Noemi, Alicia Mercedes, Maria Mercedes, Yeni Marlene, Silvina Beatriz, Graciela, Monica Abdona, Ninfa Estela, Sonia Raquel, Lourdes Ofelia, Jessica Paola, Nimia, Natividad Mercedes

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kristin Fisher.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details