A loan helped a member to buy charcoal, soda, ice, etc.

Gs Cristo Rey 4 Group's story

Nadine, of Haitian nationality, is a 43-year-old woman who currently is in a common-law marriage. She is an entrepreneurial woman, mother of a child, and attended school until 4th grade.

She has lived for 20 years in the Dominican Republic. She came in search of the opportunity to be a businessperson, and at this moment she has been in business for approximately 20 years. Previously, she worked selling clothing, but this did not generate the necessary income to support her family. For this reason, she currently works selling charcoal, ice, and soda. She operates this business in her house, and with this loan she would like to invest in more merchandise in order to have more variety, grow her business, satisfy her customers' needs, and generate more income.

She is the coordinator of the group and this is her 13th loan with AEI.

Her dream is to be able to travel and to have a large grocery store.

Thank you for supporting Nadine and the Gs Cristo Rey 4 group.

In this group: Reginald, Nadine, Jissa, Elizabeth

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Julie Arenson.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to healthcare services and business and vocational training.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details