A loan helped to buy some goats so she can provide the dairy for her family's consumption and sell the rest of the products.

Brixhilda's story

Brixhilda is a 29-year-old rural woman. She is married and a happy mother of four children. All of her family, including her parents-in-law, live in a small village where agriculture is the only source of income for the villagers.

To provide for their family, Brixhilda and her husband farm. They plant their family’s land with potatoes, beans, onions and other seasonal vegetables.

Brixhilda is asking for the second time for Kiva lenders’ support to buy some goats so she can provide the dairy for her family's consumption and sell the rest of the products; this way she can make an extra income. She thanks all Kiva lenders for their support and wishes all the best to you and your families.

This loan is special because:

It enables women living in rural areas to access credit tailored to their needs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details