A loan helped to invest in a large kiln to dry wood.

Juan's story

Juan, who works alongside his wife, Carolina (pictured here) is an artisan from Guatemala who specializes in hand-painted rustic wood sculptures. He would like to invest in a large kiln to dry wood.

Juan has been selling through NOVICA since 2018. This is his story:

"I come from a family of artisans," Juan says. "My father created all kinds of items carved from wood and I learned from him. At first, I helped him with simple tasks, like sanding a sculpture or applying a base coat of paint. He patiently taught me all the processes. He was my best teacher and my greatest admirer. I know he'd be proud of me today."

"Thanks to all of you who support our work through this microcredit. We have three children and wish nothing more than to give them a good future through our art. May God bless you with many blessings in your life."

Use the link below to view Juan's hand-painted rustic wood sculptures on the NOVICA site:


This loan is special because:

It gives artisans working capital at 0% interest rates.

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