A loan helped a member to buy chicks and practice poultry farming.

01_Suxaly Jigeen Cite Lamy Group's story

This "banc villageois", which was started in June 2015, consists of these 13 women who live in the same quarter. They support eachother and have good relationships with eachother. They have several revenue-generating activities. They have paid back more than 10 previous loans.

Madame Ndéye is 47 years old and is the member at the left side of the picture with her hand raised. She is married and the mother of 5 children, 4 girls and one boy, who are all in school.

Ndéye practices poultry farming, she buys the chicks in a store in her neighbourhood and raises them at home where she has a chicken house. She has very good experience for several years in this practice.

With her loan she will buy chicks, bags of chicken feed and pay for the vaccines. She sells good chickens and has loyal and reliable customers.

Her profits allow her to take charge of the household, pay the school fees for her children, and help her husband in managing the house.

In this group: Ndéye , Aïssatou, Coumba Mbow, Ndéye Aïssatou, Awa, Mariétou, Ndéye Salimata, Pauline, Betty, Ndéye Marie, Fatou, Safiétou, Lala

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Monica Seger.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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