A loan helped to buy more manure, fertilizer and new farming equipment.

Erminia's story

Erminia is an enterprising young woman who works in agriculture in her village. Every day Erminia is doing her activity by planting and looking after her coffee farm. After the coffee ripens, she harvests it in order to sell it at the local market. She has been making a living from her farm for many years now with her own working capital.

Now she is requesting a $1,000 loan through KIF to help her agriculture business. Every day she is busy farming because she earns a good income from it. Erminia will use this loan to buy more manure, fertilizer and some new farming equipment in order to increase her farming productivity.

This loan is special because:

It provides entrepreneurs in underserved communities with the means to grow their businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details