A loan helped a member to buy cost efficient maize seeds and fertilizer for the coming harvesting season.

Petronila's Group's story

Petronila is the group leader of her group in Kakamega B (North) District, and she is representing 16 farmers, including herself. Petronila joined One Acre Fund for the first time this season, but she has been a farmer for more than 20 years.

Like many other farmers, Petronila decided to work with One Acre Fund in order to have access to quality training and acquire new farming methods. She hopes that by joining One Acre Fund and using the seeds and fertilizer she will get with this loan, she can join the ranks of One Acre Fund farmers that have doubled their harvest in their first year of the program. She plans to use the profits she earns from this year’s harvest to save more money for the future.

Petronila's Group will use the farming inputs received with this loan to cultivate a total of 13.4 acres of land. Additionally, some of the farmers in the group will be purchasing a solar light so, with this loan, the group will also receive a total of 3 solar lights.

In this group: Petronila, Eunice, Suleimani, Eclay, Rosemary, Beatrice, Jesca, Jefrees, Florence, Christine, Willimina, Violet, Kezia, Norah, Catherine, Edith

This loan is special because:

It supports smallholder farmers to purchase seeds and solar lanterns.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details