A loan helped to buy fruit at wholesale, to increase sales at her store.

Alba Noelenn's story

Alba is 23 years of age, is single, and lives in the city of Tulcán, a city of hardworking and enterprising women and men.

Alba is a very active woman who is always thinking about how to improve her finances. For 4 years, she has run her sales business. She started out by selling and distributing granadilla [similar to passion fruit]. Alba started this business because she wanted to generate income to improve her son's quality of life.

Because her produce has been so well received, Alba wants to expand her business and offer her customers more variety of fruits, with the aim of attracting new people to buy her produce and thus to generate more income to benefit her household finances.

Alba is applying for a loan to buy fruit at wholesale, which will increase her profit margin. She is very enthusiastic about this loan since it enables her to enlarge her business.

Alba is very grateful for the help and trust that Kiva offers her.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Bruggemann.

This loan is special because:

It focuses on the poorest one-fifth of the population with no access to financial services.

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