A loan helped to build a bathroom in the house to provide sanitary conditions for her daughters.

Olga's story

Olga thanks Kiva lenders for her previous loan, which helped her to start to build the bathroom.

Olga loves her family very much and wants to offer them all best she can. Her daughters are the greatest wealth of her life. She wants to create good living and sanitation conditions.

Last summer, she started to build the bathroom. But, increased prices and other unforeseen works appeared in the course of building, which resulted in higher expenses than she had anticipated. Olga found herself in a situation of insufficient financial resources. So, she decided to ask for a new loan from Kiva sources. As a result, she will be able to continue to build the bathroom and to finish it. In this way, Olga will create the necessary sanitation conditions for her daughters, who will grow in healthier conditions.

This loan is special because:

It helps improve living and sanitation conditions for rural families in Moldova.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details