A loan helped a veteran owned female minority nonprofit give healthcare to underprivileged and underserved.

Dr. Shannon Stewart's story

Growing up in a small town in Alabama, as a teen, I was a built-in caregiver for my grandfather as he progressed through end-of-life care. This spurred my longing to become a professional Registered Nurse. I saw from an early age what the healthcare system lacked and what I could provide. I saw who received impeccable care and who was going uncared for or minimally cared for. I saw first-hand that caregivers' needs were neglected as a teen caregiver, and I experienced it as a caregiver for my USMC/Registered Nurse husband, who has Multiple Sclerosis. I jumped in and started making a difference as a teen and continue to make a difference as a Family Nurse Practitioner.

I obtained a Doctorate in Nursing, which makes me recognized as an expert at the top of this profession, capable of adding educational value to the nursing profession. As an African American female minority, I ventured to start a non-profit to help underserved and underprivileged people globally. I bring this vast array of experience, talent, willpower, and God's blessing to my life and endeavors to bear in all I do.

As a doctoral-prepared Nurse, I will use nursing-specific evidenced based practice (EBP) guidelines that could prevent, diagnose and improve patient outcomes for undocumented, underserved, and underprivileged people worldwide.

This loan is special because:

It supports a female immigrant entrepreneur in launching their business.

Loan details

About TeleMediPro

Industry: Health
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: telemedipro.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details