A loan helped to purchase new tanks of propane gas and provide maintenance for his car.

Luis Felippe's story

Thanks to the support received, Felippe —who is a humble elderly adult who still has the strength and cheer of a young man and is a person with charisma— is surrounded by love.

Thanks to the support that he has received for several years from Kiva, Felippe has been able to propel his gas delivery business forward with a smile.

He is a good husband; his wife accompanies him to work every day so that, between the two of them, they can earn income for the household.

Felippe hopes to once again receive financial help. He is requesting a loan so that he can purchase new gas tanks and service the car that he uses to deliver the propane tanks to his customers' homes.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details