A loan helped a member to purchase more foodstuffs, such as tomatoes, pepper, onions, and cooking oil, to meet customer demand.

Twere Ewurade Group's story

This is "Twere Ewurade" Group, which will begin another loan with Kiva's partner ID Ghana, located in the province of Kasoa. The group is made up of three members and is led by Patience. The loan that ID Ghana offers will benefit a range of businesses, including the one that Patience owns.

Currently, Patience has a business selling foodstuffs at the local market. The loan will be used to purchase more foodstuffs, such as tomatoes, pepper, onions, and cooking oil, to meet customer demand. This work allows her to support her family financially, too. She is married and has three children, who are in school.

In this group: Patience, Naomi, Magaret, Lydia

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers access funding with flexible terms.

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