A loan helped a member to purchase cattle.

Janylbubu's Group's story

Janylbubu is the leader of this group. At 49, she is unfortunately a widow. By herself she takes care of, raises and gives proper upbringing to her two sons, both of whom are university students.

In order to support the family financially, Janylbubu earns money by working as an operator in the Tokmok filling station. Besides that, she is engaged in cattle breeding.

She is a hardworking woman who wants to improve the well-being of her family and for this reason, she intends to develop her business concerning cattle breeding. She wants to purchase cattle to feed and then resell at a higher price. For this purpose, she hopes to get a loan. In the future, Janylbubu aims to present her son with a musical instrument.

Where Did This Loan Come From?

This loan is brought to you by Mol Bulak Finance (MBF), a young, ambitious and socially-focused microfinance institution in Kyrgyzstan.

MBF is strongly committed to the principles of sustainable development and upholds the triple "P" bottom line – People (building human capital and taking care of its customers as well as society), Planet (keeping environmentally friendly) and Profit (earning revenue to expand autonomously). MBF is the only microfinance institute in Kyrgyzstan that delivers its services to customers 365 days a year. To learn more about MBF and view a video presentation about the organization, please visit: http://www.kiva.org/about/aboutPartner?id=135

If you would like to support and learn more about Kyrgyzstan and microfinance in Central Asia, please join our Lending Team - Supporters of Kyrgyzstan – Mol Bulak Finance at http://kiva.org/team/kyrgyzstan. Members will get special updates and news from Kiva Fellows in Kyrgyzstan and from the MBF staff.

In this group: Janylbubu, Aigul, Kunduz, Minar

Loan details

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Loan details