A loan helped to buy corn, lime, and other products to supply and inventory the sale of tortillas.

Elizabeth Marilu's story

Elizabeth is a single woman given that she separated from the father of her daughter awhile back. She lives with her 3-year-old daughter. She does not relatives living abroad.

Elizabeth makes a living selling tortillas which she has done for 5 years. She starts to work at 4:30 in the morning, which is when she soaks the corn, and at 7:00 she takes the corn the mill. Later from 8:00 to 5:00, she produces tortillas to sell. She says that she learned the business with the help of her mom. Elizabeth tends to the business with the help of an employee.

She is requesting this loan to stock the inventory of her business. The funds will be invested in buying corn, lime, and other products for supplying the sale of tortillas. She is hoping that through these purchases, her sales and profits will improve since she will be able to acquire more products at a lower price.

Elizabeth's dream is to grow her business and have the financial resources to get ahead with her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Alexandrea Moseley.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers that are sole contributors to household income.

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