A loan helped to purchase solar home systems that will be financed for more than a thousand households in Zimbabwe.

Kumusha Power's story

Kumusha Power is a Zimbabwean enterprise with the vision of providing solar lighting to every rural household in the country. There are over two million households in Zimbabwe that will never have access to the power grid, and those that do have access receive intermittent supply at best. By partnering with d.light, Kumusha Power have been able to take the first steps towards fulfilling their vision and have deployed over 5,000 d.light Solar Home Systems to date. Demand continues to outstrip supply, but the affordability gap means that PAYG is an essential part of the supply model. The loan from KIVA will allow Kumusha Power to provide another thousand units to rural families in Zimbabwe.

This loan is special because:

It catalyzes access to affordable solar-powered products for lower-income households across Africa and Asia.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details