A loan helped a Florida-based chocolate shop acquire new equipment to expand our chocolate product line.

Lovely's story

I produce delicious chocolates and treats at Emerald Coast Chocolate in NW Florida. I grew up in the Philippines, not realizing until I was an adult that we had cocoa trees right in our backyard. So, since a young age, chocolate has been part of my DNA. That love for chocolate has led me to the business of chocolate making.

After coming to the US, I began thinking about opening a business. Once the opportunity looked right, I opened Emerald Cost Chocolate in a local mall. I started from scratch and have built everything piece by piece to get where I am. Offering a modest amount of chocolates and having some success, the business is now ready to expand.

I love creating delicious chocolates that bring happiness to others. Something as simple as a piece of chocolate has the ability to change a person's mood in an instant. That is something about this business that keeps me motivated and always striving to do more.

This loan is special because:

It will help this entrepreneur upgrade equipment and expand their business.

Loan details

About Emerald Coast Chocolate LLC

Industry: Food
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: emeraldcoastchocolate.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details