A loan helped a member to buy drinks, bread, fruit, canned goods, cleaning products, meat, and additional products.

Mujeres Unidas Group's story

Mujeres Unidas Is the name of this group made up of female heads of household struggling to get ahead together by working. They are all united in order to get ahead and offer their loved ones everything that they were unable to have.

One of them is name Pablina Ramona. She is married and mother to the family. She notes that she and her husband struggle to get their children ahead, so that they lack in nothing and do not miss out on any type of necessity.

She is a hard-working person who earns her daily sustenance for her family by means of sales that she makes at her shop. She notes that her business, although modest, has allowed her to get ahead. She decided to join the group in order to improve her work and with this be able to get training and get ahead.

She requests this loan to buy products in order to stock her shop with drinks, bread, fruit, canned goods, cleaning products, meat, and additional products.

Note: only one person appears in the photo but this is a group loan. It was not possible to take a group photo due to the COVID-19 pandemic which continues on since it has not been declared finished.

In this group: Pablina Ramona, Marlene Soledad, Aurelia, Idalina, Aparicia, Sara, Felicia, Maria Beatriz, Lilian, Melchora, Delia Dolores, Sabina, Teresa, Mariana, Maria Rosa, Rumilda, Rosalba

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Hasmin Sherwin.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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