A loan helped to purchase farming inputs such as fertilizers and hybrid seeds to boost the quality of her crop produce.

Beatrice's story

Wonderful Kiva lenders, the enterprising woman pictured above is Beatrice, aged 41. She is a smallholder farmer who practices mixed farming. Beatrice’s main sources of income are crops. However, she also engages in some personal businesses to help supplement her limited income.

In Kenya, agriculture is one of the most competitive industries, especially due to the high cost of the actions necessary to improve farming. Such costs include the cost of land acquisition and inputs, which have always been expensive. To meet the high cost of inputs, farmers have been forced to borrow from financial institutions which sometimes impose very complicated procedures in loan distribution. Some farmers, especially women, end up hopeless and disadvantaged.

Beatrice has used this loan to buy farming inputs such as certified seeds and high-nutrient fertilizers to improve her output, make more sales revenue and raise the living standard of her family. Please lend to this industrious woman.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

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