A loan helped a member to buy bundles of various fabrics for resale.

10 Pc 1 Comico 4 Bokk Liguey Group's story

This group of fifteen members was created in December 2017 and brings together women who live in the same neighbourhood and are united by good neighbourly relations.

Fatou is the group leader. She is 62 years old, married and the mother of twelve children, three of whom are adults and one a student. Fatou is very committed and dynamic in the development activities of her banc villageois, of which she is the president.

Fatou has been involved in the trade of various types of fabrics for more than ten years and she is very experienced. With her new loan, she will buy bundles of fabric that she will sell retail in her neighbourhood.

In this group: Fatou, Fatimata, Diama, Ramatoulaye, Seynabou, Salimata, Khady, Ndeye, Dousssouba, Binta, Sokhna Oumou, Ndiongue, Ndeye, Seynabou, Fagaye

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Arleene McFarlane.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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