A loan helped a member to purchase oil, sugar, detergent, bleach, and soap.

Ac Flores De Jamaica De San Carlos Group's story

Coming from León Nicaragua, the Flores de Jamaica de San Carlos communal bank has shown themselves to be responsible and punctual borrowers. Their business are selling dairy products, making signs, a general store, selling perfumes, and selling clothing and mobile phones.

Norma Argentina (dressed in a pink t-shirt and wearing glasses), 50 years old, is single and has two children, ages 17 and 8. Her business is a home-based general store. What she likes about the business is that it gives her the option of helping herself financially.

She will use the loan to purchase sugar, detergent, bleach, soap and oil. She dreams of seeing her store offer a great variety of products and of seeing her children become professionals.

Being single does not mean that everything ends there, she has to face life with her head held high. Making her own way to get her family ahead is her priority.

Help her to realize her dream of continuing to prosper!

In this group: Norma Argentina , Yader Nicolas , Mckenly Jose , Veronica Lissette , Wilber Rafael , Alejandra Carolina , Maria Teresa , Mercedes Del Pilar , Eddy Juaquin

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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