A loan helped a member purchase of merchandise.

Las Tres Madres Group's story

The group Las Tres Madres( the three mothers) is made up of three women,all hard working mothers. One of them is Mrs. Jesica C. who sells cosmetics (lipsticks, eye liners, foundation, creams, treatments) and clothing (shirts, blouses, jeans, pants). She will invest the loan in her business by buying merchandise. She started this business with some products and it has grown due to her customers and with the help of the loans.
The other members of the group: Adriana del Rosario Pavón sells vegetables, such as ayote , chayote (both a form of squash), yucca, as a street vendor in Nindiri and Nora del Carmen F. has a general store.

In this group: Adriana Del Rosario, Nora Del Carmen, Jesica Lisseth

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Laura Bobbit.

Loan details

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Loan details