A loan helped to purchase more calling cards, a sack of sugar, cleaning detergents, milk and bales of wheat and maize flour.

Esther's story

Esther is 45 years old. She is married with three children. She has had a retail business for eight years selling assorted shop items like sugar, milk, cleaning detergents, M-pesa and calling cards earning an average monthly income of KES. 20,000.

This is her first borrowing to finance her business. She will be using the loan to purchase more calling cards, a sack of sugar, cleaning detergents, milk and bales of wheat and maize flour and hopes this will help her to add more sugar, milk and loaves of bread.

Her hopes and dreams for the future are to own a wholesale shop.

This loan is special because:

It provides financial services and education in deep rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details