A loan helped a member to stock up on fry in bulk to strengthen her initial capital.

Solidaire Hodari Group's story

Kahambu is a client of Hemika and chairs the "Solidaire Hodari" village group. She is a widow, 40 years old, and mother of five children, all of whom attend school.

Kahambu sells fry. She launched this business seven years ago with start-up funds received from her late husband. Later, she got involved with the Hekima program to support her business, over the course of which she has progressively evolved. With this new loan, she will stock up on fry in bulk, which will strengthen her initial capital. The challenge of her business is linked to the increase in prices.

She would like for her children to continue to study and to grow her business. Finally, she would like to thank Hekima and its partners for their support of non-bankable business owners in the context of the global crisis linked to COVID-19. The photo only shows the group leader due to COVID-19 social distancing measures.

In this group: Christine, Claudine, Charles, Kahambu, Paulin

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Siobhan Coady.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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Lenders and lending teams

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