A loan helped a member to buy clothing to sell such as shirts, pants, tops, shorts etc.

Kuña Katupyry Group's story

The Kuña Katupyry group is in its sixth cycle of the women's program in which all encourage each other to get ahead as a true team. They help each other in every way that they can. They are also participating in the elimination of poverty program.

One member is Sra. Rocio Jazmin who earns her living selling clothing alongside her husband who helps her with sales from their house. As well as this job, Rocio works as a domestic servant. She used to work only as a servant but sought a better income in order to support her loved ones. Thanks to the Foundation she has been able to start a new business selling clothing.

Rocio is the kind of person who makes an effort to help her family improve and get ahead so that they lack for nothing. She is seeking this loan to buy a variety of clothing to sell such as shirts, pants, tops, shorts etc.

Note: Only one person appears in the photo although this is a group loan. It wasn't possible to take a group photo because of Covid-19 pandemic restrictions which have not yet been lifted.

In this group: Norma Beatriz, Fulvia Patricia, Dalia Susana, Maria Asuncion, Ana Maria, Ramona, Rosa Inocencia, Liz Paola, Alicia Candelaria, Marta, Maria Teresa, Thalia Jazmin, Nelida Beatriz, Liz Concepcion, Rocio Jazmin, Antonia, Luciana, Sofia Beatriz, Lucia Jazmin, Camila Rebeca, Sonia Raquel

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jane A.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details