A loan helped to buy agricultural supplies and to pay for farmhands.

Massiel Elizabeth's story

At the age of 25, Massiel is working cultivating coffee. She also generates additional income with a bakery that she started with a small amount of savings. Thanks to her dedication, she has managed to get ahead with her family. Her goal is to continue to invest in her coffee farm. To do this, she visited MiCredito to request a Kiva loan to buy fertilizers, baskets, irrigation hoses, and fungicides. She will also use the funds to pay for farm labor and to buy coffee seedlings. This way, she will be able to increase the number of plants she is cultivating and improve the quality of her products. Massiel's goal is to continue to work with both institutions so that she can give her family a better quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

The repayments are aligned with harvest season.

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