A loan helped to buy 150 bags of shea nuts and save money to take care of her children.

Rasmata's story

Rasmata is the mother of 4 children, three of whom go to school. She has been a trader in a local neighbourhood for more than 13 years already where she buys cereals, stocks them and sells them at the right time. She has repaid her KIVA loan without difficulty. She is applying for a new loan to buy 150 bags of shea nuts to increase her stock of goods. She will reinvest part of it in her business and save money to take care of her children. She invites everyone to protect themselves from the Covid-19 virus.

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Axelle Bougouma.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers access financial services on flexible terms with no collateral requirements.

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