Vilma is 37 years old. She lives with Miguel who is 40 years old. They both have 2 daughters, Liz who is 18 and Ingrid who is 15. The four live in their own home which is located in the community of Kivinaki. Very early in the mornings Vilma heads off to the local school where for several years she has been teaching children from the town of Boca de Ipoki. However, every weekend for the last 8 years, together with her husband and daughters, she has been growing citrus fruits such as oranges and mandarins, fruits which she sells on a large scale in the country's capital city.
However, Vilma wishes to start growing coffee and bananas. For this reason, she has already bought 7 hectares of farming land which she plans to start sowing with these crops which are in higher demand.
Vilma is a responsible woman and, as president of her community bank, she is very punctual in her repayments to MFP. This is already her 7th loan cycle and she is happy to be able to get ahead. She will use her loan to acquire more coffee plants and, in this way, be able to move her plants into her land.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.