A loan helped to open another tailoring branch and add stock.

Purity's story

Purity is happily married, and she is blessed with two children. Her husband is a chef in a local restaurant and she is a skilled and talented tailor. Due to her excellent work, she has managed to grow her business above that of her competitors in the market. She is very proud to be self-employed as this has given her a lot of experience in the business.

Purity would now like to expand her business which will create employment for more people. She is kindly requesting a loan that will help her to open another branch and add the stock. This will improve her profits and she will be able to comfortably repay her loan. Her dream is to be a successful business lady and diversify into other businesses as well in the future.

This loan is special because:

It gives financial access to low income micro-entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details