A loan helped a member to buy seeds, fertilizers and insecticides.

Sagrada Familia Group's story

The life of a farmer is challenging and difficult, especially in places like Guatemala. Climate change has brought new challenges to the country.

Adelia is 41 years old. She understands this because she and her husband are farmers who cultivate a variety of vegetables. They have 2 children, who are 10 and 14 years old. They are students in the primary and secondary schools.

Adelia shares that during the summer months, they have to buy water since it is scarce at that time, and they find ways to bring it to the farm. With a very appreciated Kiva loan, she can buy seeds, fertilizers, and insecticides.

Adelia is one of 9 women that are participating in the Microcredito Plus program of Puente de Amistad. Their communal bank is called Sagrada Familia, and it is located in the state and department of Sacatepequez. The monthly educational programs are essential for the success of these women since they have little or no formal education.

Adelia has a third-grade education, and she is proud of her children who are receiving an education. Themes such as effective practices for running a business help them with their farms, tortilla shops, grocery stores, and wood sales. They learn to plan, budget, and save for unexpected events. They also learn about health, hygiene, and nutrition.

Thank you, Kiva!

In this group: Francisca , Josefa , Adelia , Candida Francisca , Eusebia , Catalina , Sonia Angelica , Maria Angelica , Sonia Ricarda

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Rita Levitz.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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