A loan helped a member to buy chairs and tables for growing the business.

Chullpa Moqho Group's story

Cristina, 45 years old, starts her day very early by taking her children to school and preparing the food that she serves throughout the day at her business. This lady acquired a first loan to buy an oven. She now requests a new loan to buy chairs and tables for growing the business since this is the goal that Christina wants to fulfill. Mrs. Christina will be able to help her family with this, which is her dream in life.

In this group: Jhennifer, Albina, Rene, Joaquin, Simona, Jose Manuel , Orlando, Cristina, Jhon Henri, Victor

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Hasmin Sherwin.

This loan is special because:

It provides low-income, micro entrepreneurs with loans to increase their income.

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