A loan helped for house renovate, labor fee, and purchase other materials such as painting, cements, brick tiles.

Yon's story

Yon is 48 years old. Currently, she is housewife and has no income for supporting her expense. However, she lives with her husband and her husband is a Village Chief Clerk. Her husband can earn about 2USD for daily.

She has been asking a loan from partner for house renovation, labor fees, and to purchase other materials such as painting, cements, brick tiles, to improve her standard of living.

With the loan she want to take out from Kiva, she hopes that all lenders will kindly help her family in moving forward with her goals and realizing her dream.

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well-being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details