A loan helped a member to buy buckets, glass display cases, fruit, sugar, bags, and straws.

Regalo De Dios 01 Group's story

This is the communal bank "Regalo de Dios 1." This group has 9 members who are organized, united, and responsible. Most of them are young entrepreneurs, with businesses such as: pastry and beverage sales, new clothing sales, clothing and accessories sales, cosmetic sales through catalogs, the sale of a variety of products on the street (masks, key chains, hand towels, and other products), corn grinding services, meat sales, and other businesses.

Selena Junieth (seen wearing the blue shirt with blue jeans) is 27 years old, single, and lives in a house with 5 people. She has 2 children aged 4 and 1. Her dream is to have her own beverage stand. She hopes to sell more and provide her children with better living conditions.

Selenia Junieth will use these funds to buy transparent buckets to use in her business. She will also buy a bigger glass display case to exhibit her pastries, as well as fruit, sugar, bags, and straws. Selenia Junieth likes to save for any unexpected event that could occur. Her business of beverages and pastries has existed for 17 years, and she enjoys serving her customers and having a variety of pastries for all tastes.

Invest in a woman who is full of dreams of improving her family's quality of life!

In this group: Felipa Nery , Edgar Isaac , Selena Junieth , Luis Felipe , Maria Lucila , Danelia Vanessa , Reyna Marcela , Alia Melissa , Julissa Marian

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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