A loan helped to buy supplies to continue with her production like plantains, cassava, honey and other items she needs.

Rosa Idalia's story

Rosa studied through to 6th Grade at school. She is married. Her husband does agricultural work and helps out at a nixtamal (corn) mill. She has three children who go to school.

Rosa has been earning a living making and selling traditional foods for two years. She learned this trade from her mother and makes her sales close to her house. She works from Monday to Sunday in the afternoon.

She will use the loan to buy supplies to continue with her production like plantains, cassava, honey and other items she needs.

Rosa dreams of gaining more customers and improving her sales. In this way she can manage to improve her current living style.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

It enables vulnerable women to start and grow their own business.

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